Tag Archives: schedule

Finding the Time to Write

As I write this, I’m watching Robots, keeping an eye on my email, aaaand I just got back from helping my daughter in the bathroom. It’s a lot more difficult than you think, to find time to really hunker down and write. Even when I go up to my bedroom/office to get some writing done, I somehow end up watching Game of Thrones and throwing a few paragraphs in between exciting parts. Even now, I’m trying to find the perfect formula, so far…the clinical trial is inconclusive. But I have learned a thing or two about prioritization.

Lose the Internet

Oh Internet, how I loathe thee. I’m always looking for a distraction when it comes to getting any kind of work done. Sometimes I find myself blankly looking at the Google page, struggling over what to waste my time with. This is where you need to exercise self control and just keep your Word file open.


You have to treat your writing time the same as you would for your regular job (if you’re not writing full time, that is). Allot certain times of the day to get writing done. Sometimes I go on a quick break at work and plug away on a blog article, I set goals for the day. I either write one short piece in a 15 minute break, or I write two during my lunch hour. Now that summer is here and the kids are crazy about their new bikes, early evening writing is now on hiatus. I pretty much have to wait until my kids are in bed before I can really put some home effort in writing.

Announce your plans

If you’re like me and have a family who relies on you, always make it clear to them when you are working. I tell my kids that they’re not to come upstairs to my room until the door is open because I’m at work. I also ask my partner to make sure the kids keep away. Plus, telling everyone that I’m working gives me an added sense of duty, that I should do what I say I’m doing.

Unfortunately there are only so many hours in a day, but if you’re serious about a writing career, you can’t succumb to the excuses that lead to our worst enemy: writer’s block. Make the time and write every chance you get!